August Newsletter

Happy Friday! This message contains approximately 700 words, making it a 4-minute read.

Thank you: Thank you to everyone who took the time to read and share feedback on our last newsletter. Your input is incredibly valuable to us, and we are dedicated to using it to continuously improve. 

For those reading it for the first time: Two months ago, I began an exciting journey to create a company that rents digital signage to customers. I'm thrilled to share our progress with you each month. This is our second newsletter, and if you missed the first one, you can read it on our website

The Big Picture: 

Overall, this month was positive. It highlighted our weaknesses and inexperience, revealing areas for growth. We identified a need for more human resources and an increase in our intensity and pace. We need to find a great marketer while also boosting our efficiency and workload. Despite these challenges, we made significant progress and gained a deeper understanding of the market. Additionally, we established clear connections with companies in the industry.

What we aimed to achieve in the past month: 

  1. Finalize Business Plan ✅

  2. Finalize pricing ✅

  3. Finish Incorporation process ✅

  4. Decide on how to monetise ✅

  5. Execute Prototype 

  6. Create a Pitch deck ✅

  7. Seek and complete raising investment from Friends&Family and have enough capital for starting cost + 4 months of operation

  8. Finalize the location of our digital signage 

  9. Start a tik tok account 

  10. Add newsletter section on our website ✅

  11. Add a page on website where customers can confirm service and pay ✅

Details of what we achieved: 

  1. Business Plan Finalization: We have completed the first version of our business plan. However, it remains preliminary as we have yet to conduct a prototype. The final version will be refined post-prototype.

  2. Pricing Strategy: We have finalized the pricing for our prototype and main product, catering to both individual customers and firms.

  3. Incorporation Process: We have completed the majority of the incorporation process. The remaining steps will be finalized post-prototype.

  4. Monetization Strategy: We have decided on our monetization strategy after successfully gathering comprehensive information regarding costs and revenues.

  5. Prototype Execution: Initially, we struggled to contact the owners of potential prototype sites. However, we have now decided to proceed with our prototype at Ikebukuro Hareza Vision.

  6. Pitch Deck Creation: We have created a pitch deck, currently available in Japanese. An English version will be made available soon on our press page.

  7. Investment Strategy: We have not sought investment from the Friends & Family stage as we have sufficient capital to conduct our prototype. We plan to seek investment after the prototype launch.

  8. Digital Signage Location: We are still in the process of deciding the location for our digital signage. Discussions with building owners are ongoing.

  9. Social Media Presence: We have not yet started a TikTok account to showcase our activities as we are currently seeking someone to manage it. If you are interested in this position, we would love to hear from you.

  10. Website Enhancements: We have successfully added a newsletter section on our website, which will be regularly updated with our latest news and important decisions.

  11. E-commerce Integration: We have added a page on our website where people can freely purchase our goods.

Additional agenda:

  1. We have reflected on the feedback and established new goals for this month, encompassing short, mid, and long-term objectives. 

  2. We've reached out to various companies to better understand the pricing for the hardware components of the digital signage.

  3. We have designed our unique logo and begun developing our distinctive brand.

What you can expect next month (from this month onwards it will ranked according to the importance)

  1. Have a successful prototype

  2. Finalize our business plan 

  3. complete raising investments from Friend & Family

  4. Finalize the location of our signage

  5. Order Digital Signage and other equipments  

  6. Finalize incorporation process

  7. Improve SEO

Some Questions that has been raised:

  1. Should I take a gap semester to work on this project?

  2. What will be the best way to approach the building owners?

Thank you for your interest and support. We look forward to sharing more updates with you next month. It is also posted on our newsletter section of our website!

Best Regards,


